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Market Policies & Procedures

Mission Statement

The Kingston Public Market’s mission is to support local artisans, growers, and small businesses by gathering our community together in the heart of Kingston, WA.


We want KPM to be a fun, welcoming, and inviting market to both Vendors and Guests. It is our goal to bring our community together, and so we must all be respectful of one another to create a positive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy.


All Vendors & Members, Staff Members, and Volunteers of the Kingston Public Market are expected to behave towards each other in a professional manner that fosters a sense of community and market camaraderie, a spirit of cooperative involvement, and promotes the market as a whole to the North Kitsap community and beyond.

Market Season & Hours

The Kingston Public Market season runs from May through early October at Mike Wallace Park in Kingston, WA.


The Kingston Public Market operates on Sundays from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM with occasional "special event" extended hours.

Site Management

During Market hours, the Market Manager will collect fees, direct set-up, and decide any immediate issues affecting the overall Market. The Market Manager will be inspecting tents to ensure they are properly secured and/or tied down.


All questions or issues should be directed to the Market Manager or one of the KPM Board Representatives at the Information Booth.

Setup & Takedown

Vendors may begin setting up their booths as early as 7:00 AM. Vendors are required to be on site and out of the loading zone no later than 9:00 AM and fully set up by 9:45 AM in order to participate in that day's Market.


Vendors are required to stay for the entire Market Day, and are responsible for taking down their set-up, disposing of their own garbage, and leaving their spot trash-free. We ask that everyone leave as quickly, efficiently, and safely as possible. All Vendors, Market Staff, and Volunteers must vacate the property no later than 5:00 PM.


If you require additional help setting up or taking down your booth, please ask the Market Manager, a Market Representative, or a designated Volunteer, and they will be happy to help!

Vendor Parking

Vendors may park temporarily in the customer parking zone next to the Market while loading/unloading. Vendors must move their vehicle after unloading, and may not park in the Port of Kingston’s Free 2 Hour Parking during Market hours.


Parking is available in the Port of Kingston lot for a daily fee, or Members of the Kingston Public Market may purchase an annual parking pass for use on Market days at a discounted rate.

Parking Passes may not be used outside of Market hours. The Kingston Public Market reserves the right to revoke a pass if it is being abused.


Members will be refunded $20 at the end of the season upon returning their Parking Pass.


If you have a Handicap Permit, contact the Market Manager to secure a parking space ahead of selected market days.


If you need help finding the correct place to park, the Market Manager can help you.

Vendor Booths & Spaces

Vendor participation and Market set-up is at the discretion of the Market Manager. The goal is to create a Market layout that is complementary to all Vendors and to the Market as a whole.


The standard market booth size is 10 feet X 10 feet, though vendors may pay for a larger space. Vendors are required to delineate their space, typically using canopies or umbrellas. Vendor setups should be neat and appealing and not spill out onto or block walkways.


All vendors who wish to erect canopies on the Market site during a normal period of Market operations, including the set up and break down period, are required to have their canopies sufficiently and safely anchored to the ground from the time their canopy is put up to the time it is taken down. Any Vendor who fails to properly anchor his or her canopy will not be allowed to sell at the Market on that Market Day, unless that Vendor chooses to take down and stow their canopy and sell without it.


Vendors may rent a tent from the Market for $25/day, and are first come, first served.


The Market does not provide water to individual booths but there are potable water spigots available on-site. Vendors may obtain electricity from the Port of Kingston if they are Members of the Kingston Public Market. Contact the Market Manager for help with selecting a site with access.


Tier I & Tier II Members are allowed to select a designated space that will be reserved for them each week throughout the entire season. Top 3 choices should be selected when applying and will be designated on a first-come first-served basis, and at the discretion of the Market Manager.


Tier III Members must select their top 3 stall choices and submit their choices to the Market Manager no later than the Wednesday before each Market they attend. Members who miss this deadline will be assigned a space on Market day on a first-come first-served basis.


Guest Vendors / Drop-In Vendors may attend the Market if their application has been accepted. Spaces are assigned by the Market Manager on a first-come first-serve basis on Market days.

Applying to Kpm

Vendors wanting to participate in The Kingston Public Market must complete an application. The Board of Directors will review all applicants on a rolling basis and will respond within 2 weeks if an application has been accepted.


While KPM does favor Vendors who have previously attended the Market and remain in good standing, it does not guarantee that their application will be accepted.


All applications are subject to review, and will be approved or denied based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to: quality of products, booth presentation, demand for products, and comparison to similar Vendors.


Vendors applying to KPM for the first time or previous KPM Vendors who will be selling a new category of products should submit photographs along with their application.


Applications can be emailed to or  mailed to The Kingston Public Market PO Box 124 Kingston, WA 98346.


Applicants should NOT submit any payment until their application has been accepted by KPM. Vendors who have elected to become Members will be invoiced. All checks or payments received prior to an official acceptance will be refunded or returned.


Accepted Vendors will receive a digital package containing all necessary forms that must be filled out and submitted to The Kingston Public Market. Hard copy versions available for download or upon request.


The Board of Directors sets fees for participation in the Kingston Public Market. Fees may be adjusted periodically and shall be established to balance a set of interrelated factors: cost of Market operations, support for Vendors, and local Market conditions.


Fees may include, but are not limited to, Annual Membership and daily booth fees.


Fees will be collected by the Market Manager at the beginning of each Market day unless pre-paid by Vendor. KPM accepts cash, checks, credit cards, and PayPal.


KPM does not collect a percentage of sales.

Kpm Memberships

Vendors who plan to attend KPM four or more times in a season should sign up for an Annual Membership as soon as possible to take advantage of discounts and added benefits.


KPM offers three different Membership Tiers that reflect different benefits and discounts for Membership Fees, Daily Market Fees, and Parking Passes.


See chart below for more details about each Membership Tier.

Member Tier

Standard Membership

Accepted on a rolling basis after 4/19

- Pre-select stall preferences each week

- Listed on website (no external links or photos)

- Optional Parking Pass

Food Vendor

Covers Fire Marshall inspection fees and other standard dues


Parking Passes

In order to provide more affordable parking in Kingston for our Vendors, Members & Food Vendors may purchase a Seasonal Parking Pass through KPM, which is valid within the Port of Kingston pay lot.


Vendors who sign up early will receive a discount on their Parking Pass fee.


Parking Passes may not be used outside of Market hours.

Member Tier
Parking Pass
Food Vendor

*Members will be refunded $20 at the end of the season upon returning their Parking Pass.

Daily Market Fees


Daily Market Fees are due at the beginning of each Market Day, unless pre-paid. Daily Market Fees are calculated based on your Member Tier and/or Vendor Type.


See the chart below to calculate what your daily fees will be.


If you need help figuring out what your daily fees will be, contact our Market Manager and they will help you.

Member Tier
Vendor Type
Daily Fees
I & II
Farm / Produce
Farm / Produce
I & II
Artisan / Other
Artisan / Other
Food Truck / Food Vendor
Guest Vendor
$30 for Farm Vendors / $45 for Other Vendors
Non-Profit Vendor
Jr. Vendor (14 - 17 yrs old)
Child Vendor (< 14 yrs old)

Other Fees

KPM offers other services to our Vendors and Market Members, such as tent rentals and electrical hookups (through the Port of Kingston).


If you have other needs not listed, please reach out to the Market Manager, and they will try to help you as best as they can. We want our Vendors to be successful!

Electricity Hookup
$5/day or $50/season
Tent Rental (10'x10')

Guest Vendors

Guest Vendors / Drop-In Vendors may attend the Market if their application has been accepted. Spaces are assigned by the Market Manager on a first-come first-serve basis on Market days.


Guest Vendors are welcome to attend The Kingston Public Market up to 3 times without becoming a KPM Member, but are required to obtain Membership if they would like to continue attending the Market.


KPM welcomes all non-profits to join us at the Market to provide information and fundraise within our community.


10’x10’ spaces are provided free of charge to all non-profits who qualify. When completing the Vendor Application, select the “Non-Profit” option.

Child / Junior Vendors

We encourage community members, both old and young, to join the Market!


Children under the age of 14 must be supervised the entire Market day by an adult, including setup and takedown.


Juniors aged 14-17 must be supervised by an adult during setup and takedown. Please note that all Vendors must obtain insurance. See Liability Insurance for more information.

Food Trucks / Food Vendors

All Food Trucks and Food Vendors (excludes Farms and Food Processors) must become a Member of The Kingston Public Market. Membership covers standard dues as well as the necessary inspections from the NK Fire Marshall.


Self-contained kitchens in motorized trailers must be reviewed for approval by the Market Manager. Food Vendors must be able to move their set-up onto the site, without damage to the area.


Vendors preparing foods will be assigned an area that meets NK Fire Marshall requirements. Any Food Vendor who does not meet Fire Marshall or Kitsap County Health Department standards will be asked to stop all food sales and leave.


Electricity may be purchased through the Market for $5/day or $50 for the season.

Farms / Produce

Farm/Produce Vendors are very important to the Kingston Public Market. The Market actively seeks and encourages locally grown fresh produce at the Market. Resale produce may be sold by Farm Vendors at the Kingston Public Market, so long as:


  1. The Vendor is the only stop between the grower and the consumer.

  2. All produce is grown in Washington.

  3. If produce is sold as local, the Vendor must list the farm(s) where the produce was grown.

  4. Re-sellers must label their products as being "re-sold" (or other synonymous term)

  5. Brokers, who sell none of their own produce, must apply to the Board of Directors in writing prior to selling at the Market.

Food Processors

Perishable farm products and baked goods must be appropriately packaged and handled, complying with any applicable regulations of the Kitsap County Health Department.


The Kingston Public Market is committed to bringing high quality products, produce, and foodstuffs to the community. Any goods that are not of sufficient quality may be required to be removed from sale by the Market Manager.

Organic Labeling

Vendors may advertise their produce and foodstuffs as "naturally grown", "unsprayed", etc. but not “organic” without formal certification, since use of the term "certified organic" is restricted by State law to those who have, in fact, been certified by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Uncertified vendors are asked to not use the specific term “organic”.


All Vendors are required to advertise truthfully and to respond to customers' questions in a fair manner.

Liability Insurance

The Kingston Public Market carries liability insurance that covers people for personal injury while they are on the market site. In addition, all KPM Vendors are required to carry a current general liability policy.


The policy limit should be a minimum of 1 million per occurrence with a 2 million aggregate limit  that does not exclude products. Each Vendor policy needs to list The Kingston Public Market as an additional insured or contain a blanket additional insured endorsement.


All Vendors must provide the Market with a Certificate of Insurance (COI) confirming coverage prior to their first day at the Market. Vendors will not be allowed to participate without proper insurance coverage. 


There are several companies who offer artist and/or farmers’ market insurance out there. Our insurance company has provided a couple of links that have KPM pre-listed as the secondary insured party:


ACT Artist & Crafter Insurance (pre-filled with KPM)

FLIP Farmers' Market Insurance (pre-filled with KPM)


Two additional resources to check out are:


NEXT Insurance

Thimble Farmers' Market Insurance


If you can’t access the links or need help navigating the options, contact the Market Manager.

Permits & Licensing

It is each Vendor's responsibility to get and maintain any licenses or permits necessary for their particular operation.


Food Vendors must comply with all Kitsap County Health and Fire Department regulations and licensing requirements. All required permits shall be displayed. All vendors must follow sanitary procedures. Any Vendor found selling contaminated foodstuffs or produce shall be suspended from selling at the Market until satisfactory clearance has been obtained from the Kitsap County Health Department.

Retail & Resale

The Kingston Public Market allows both handcrafted and resale items to be sold as long as it meets the policies and guidelines herein, and is approved by The Kingston Public Market Board of Directors.


All merchandise must be on tables, not on the lawn. The only exception to this would be for items that are too large or too heavy. Ask the Market Manager to review.


All merchandise must be displayed in an orderly and safe manner that does not extend beyond their designated space.


The Market’s intent is to encourage a relaxed, friendly, and welcoming market and ask our Vendors to avoid items that will offend visitors, and present a visually tidy and enticing Market. The interpretation of these rules, including allowable merchandise, will be solely at the discretion of the Market Manager, who may ask you to leave if he/she feels you are violating any of the above.


Things you may NOT sell, display, or use to proselytize: pornography, religious materials, firearms, political materials.


Services may be sold at the Kingston Public Market provided they are performed on-site (e.g. chair massage, knife sharpening). If the service cannot reasonably be provided on-site, the Vendor may solicit future prospects and sales.

Live Animal Sales

Farm animals such as goats, sheep, rabbits, ducks, or chickens, and domesticated cats and dogs, may be sold at the Kingston Public Market, subject to the pre-approval of the Market Manager or members of the Board of Directors.


Live animals must be kept twenty feet from any food Vendor. It is the Vendor's responsibility to provide for the animals' welfare and clean up after the animals.


The Kingston Public Market is a retail market. Prices charged should be fair to all Vendors, and comparable to pricing in the community. Intentional undercutting will be considered unfair and the Vendor may be asked to leave by the Market Manager.

Product Quality

The Market Manager will make the final judgment on the suitability of any specific Vendor's operation for the Kingston Public Market.

Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs

Vendors may not smoke (cigarettes, vapes, marijuana, etc) on the Kingston Public Market grounds. Vendors may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during Market hours, nor have any alcohol or drugs on the Market premises, other than Beer and Wine sold by licensed Market Vendors.


Personal pets are not permitted while Vendors are on site at The Kingston Public Market.

Kpm Logo Use

Any Vendor that wishes to imprint their products with the Kingston Public Market logo may apply to the Board of Directors in writing for Board approval and conditions of use.


The Board will reply in writing within 30 days of application. Vendors selling logo items will pay the Kingston Public Market a 15% royalty per item sold.

Board of Directors

The Kingston Public Market is governed by a Board of Directors. Members are welcome to submit suggestions and file grievances and concerns to the Board of Directors.

Grievances & Concerns

Should a Vendor or Member feel their rights as part of the Kingston Public Market have been violated in some way, or feel that another Vendor, Board Member, or someone else has acted outside of their authority with the Kingston Public Market or in a way that harms the Kingston Public Market as a whole, the following steps should be taken:


1. The grievance or concern should be put in writing and include a clear and specific description of the problem and the name(s) of the person(s) involved, a description of the ways in which the person has attempted to resolve the matter (if appropriate), and at least two courses of action that would satisfy the writer (if appropriate). These should include, but not be limited to:


i) Mediation between involved parties.

ii) Forming a board committee to hear all sides of the issue & recommend action to the Board.

iii) Determine that the issue does not warrant formal steps to resolve it and should be handled through other channels.


2. Copies of this correspondence should be sent to the President of the Board of Directors and to all persons involved in the grievance or concern.


3. The Board of Directors has final authority in deciding the outcome of grievances.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will appoint committees as needed to handle the business and operation of the Kingston Public Market. These committees will be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors and can include other Vendors and Members of the Kington Public Market and surrounding communities.


These committees may be standing (ongoing) or ad hoc (set up for a single purpose and disbanded when the task is done.)

Social Media

We want to encourage our Vendors to promote when they’ll be attending the Market. KPM runs several social media accounts that will post about upcoming Market days, special events, and more. If you want your business to be featured on KPM’s accounts, be sure to follow and tag us! Don’t forget to share KPM’s announcements and invite your friends to the Market!


Facebook @thekingstonpublicmarket

Instagram: @thekingstonpublicmarket


We are always looking to grow and evolve. Have a suggestion? We want to hear it! Have a question? Ask it!


Market Manager: Wilo Castillo

Phone: (360) 594-5156



25864 Washington Blvd NE
Kingston, WA 98346


(360) 594-5156



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